multipackage.utilities.template module¶
jinja based template rendering.
(template_name, info, out_path=None, adjust_newlines=True, filters=None)[source]¶ Render a template using the variables in info.
You can optionally render to a file by passing out_path. This assumes that you are rendering text files that will be saved with UTF-8 encoding.
By default, it modifies the generated template to have platform-specific newlines. If you want the template’s output to be unmodified, pass adjust_newlines=False.
Parameters: - template_name (str) – The name of the template to load. This must be a file in config/templates inside this package
- out_path (str) – An optional path of where to save the output file, otherwise it is just returned as a string.
- info (dict) – A dictionary of variables passed into the template to perform substitutions.
- adjust_newlines (bool) – Automatically convert the output to have platform specific newlines. Default: True.
- filters (dict) – Optional dict of callables that are provided as filters to the underlying template.
Returns: The rendered template data.
Return type: string