multipackage.subsystems.sphinx module

Documentation subsystem that manages autogenerating documentation.



SphinxDocumentation HTML documentation generated by sphinx.


class multipackage.subsystems.sphinx.SphinxDocumentation(repo, desired_packages, toplevel_packages=None, namespace_packages=None, desired_components=None)[source]

Bases: object

HTML documentation generated by sphinx.

This subsystem will build html documentation using the read_the_docs theme in the folder built_docs. It expects source documentation to exist in the folder docs that is augmented automatically with release notes for each project in the repository and template-based API documentation for each python package in the repository.

The documentation is deployed by default to github pages.

SHORT_NAME = 'Sphinx documentation'
SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 'generates and deploys api reference and prose documentation using sphinx'

Update the documentation subsystem.